I had a moment today that I completely attribute to motherhood, regardless of the fact that my children were barely involved. I stood in the shower, fairly uninterrupted (the girls had all been in, but only one time each) enjoying the relative silence. The warm water felt lovely, so I decided to let the chlorine seep in through my pores for a few extra moments (after all, what is a little artherosclerosis in exchange for some peace and quiet.....some time with my actual thoughts?) and simply enjoy it. I'd think lofty thoughts and actually finish them...something I remember doing once upon a time. Then I began to realize that the two main items running through my head were: 1. "Did I shave my armpits? I can't remember if I shaved my armpits. Let's see...I washed my, face, my hair, conditioned, shaved my legs....I just can't recall if I shaved my armpits." It took me probably 5 minutes of being distracted by this thought off and on to think to check my armpits. (Verdict: I had indeed not shaved.) and 2. The Disney song I believe to be entitled "Kill the Beast" (Through the mist, through the woods, through the darkness and the shadows, it's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride.....Say a prayer, then you're there....). Now, I admit that this week I am exceptionally tired. I admit that my mother must be right, and placenta is made up primarily of brain cells (hence the inevitable airheadedness that accompanies pregnancy). But I also have to tell you that no amount of lofty thoughts could ever compete with coming out to find my children playing their own version of freeze tag (Somewhat like hide and seek, but instead the hiders "freeze" like a statue somewhere in the house and whoever is "it" has to decide if you are indeed a statue or really a person. Haha.) and all, upon seeing me, drop what they are doing, yell "MAMA!" and run to throw their arms around me as if I had been gone 20 days instead of 20 minutes. I may have time to complete a thought soon enough, but I have a pretty good feeling that said thought will involve missing the good ol' days when my children were young, everything was new through their eyes, and I couldn't finish a thought.
GREAT POST MELANIE! I love the airheadeness. :)
God Bless YOu Guys,
I LIKE!!!:)
I miss those days - thinking is not all it is cracked up to be - or perhaps I forgot how? I also terribly miss adorable little dresses......
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