Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

There are so many things that I am thankful for this year! My loving family, my beautiful new baby boy, my wonderful friends. My freedom. Snow outside, a warm fire in the fireplace,  and a good book to curl up with. The excitement in my girls faces as they continually talk about going to Zoo Lights tomorrow.  The Roberts family, who we've adopted as cousins, proving family doesn't have to be merely by blood relation! And, yes, I'm grateful for the table full of sausages, olives, cheese balls, crackers, candy and fudge....and for the turkey and mashed potatoes that will take their place in a few hours! I'm thankful for the way Seleia's face lights up every time she wants to talk to me about more "science things that are instersting". I'm grateful for how nothing, but nothing, can keep Elora from taking care of her "baby brudder". I give thanks for Amarra, our funny little firecracker (this morning Elora, discussing our family tradition of watching White Christmas every Thanksgiving while we eat our pie, said, "AMARRA! Guess what WE get to watch today!!". Amarra, deadpan, replied, "Iron Man?".) whose snuggles always warm my heart. I thank God for my husband. You truly are the love of my life, Joel, and I'd be lost without you. I'm thankful for my parents, my sisters, my brother, my brothers-in-law, my handsome nephew, and for the girl who plans on putting up with my brother for the rest of her life, though I've yet to meet you, Miss Taylor. I'm thankful for this holiday season of joy, love and light that is upon us...with so much to look forward to! I'm grateful for DeWayne, Shanna, and Vanessa, the best neighbors a girl could ever ask for. I give thanks for the egg nog in my peppermint coffee this morning...the little things do really matter! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!  What are you thankful for??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you (all of you, of course)and so wish you could have been here for a beautiful day of giving thanks to our gracious God! Maybe Christmas? I'm just sayin'..... Mom