It never ceases to amaze me, Amarra's relationship with the insect world. She can make bugs not only come to her, but hang out with her for an afternoon. I think I live with the cricket whisperer. She not only regularly has jars of bugs hanging out on her windowsill, she can be seen outside walking around with a grasshopper on her shoulder or a ladybug on her hand. When she keeps a bug in captivity for a day or two and then sets it free....sometimes they will wander around for a minute and then come right back to her. I had to take pictures the other day when she was hanging out with my favorite bug, the mantis. After all, its a GOOD bug, right Mom?
It's a VERY good bug! So glad to see Amarra takes after her Mama in the Praying Mantis area! Love you, MIMI
That is so COOL! Way Ta Go Ammara!
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