We had so much fun camping! Every time we go to Cougar Park we find new places to explore and revisit some favorite haunts. We get our favorite camping spot, right on the water, and the girls spend a good amount of time collecting rocks to throw in the water and watching all of the birds over the lake with binoculars. Elora made her own fire pit (and was none too thrilled that we wouldn't light it!) and turned the kindling into blocks to build a house for all of the feathers the girls collected. Amarra brought her journal and drew everything that happened on the trip. Seleia decided I'm the coolest mom ever for buying the world's largest marshmallows and was a giant help with setting up, cooking, and tearing down. That girl is like her mama, always happy if she is at the water! Joel and I sat back, relaxed and were entertained overhearing comments like, "Go fish. Do you have any Jackelopes?" and "I think dangerous is good for me now!".

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